God is a Capitalist

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Will The Democratic Conventions Be As Violent As 1968?

Source: AP Photo/Jeff Chiu

During their demonstration held Saturday, June 30, in downtown Portland, Antifa (anti-fascist) marchers swinging baseball bats beat an elderly man and one who came to his defense. Then they beat journalist Andy Ngo, leaving him with serious head injuries.

Recently, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez insisted that the US had built Nazi-style concentration camps to hold immigrants:

”The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly what they are – they are concentration camps – and if that doesn’t bother you,” Ocasio-Cortez ““I don’t use those words lightly. I don’t use those words to just throw bombs,” she continued. “I use the word because that’s what an administration that creates concentration camps is. A presidency that creates concentration camps is fascist and it’s very difficult to say that.”

Those seem like unrelated incidents, but they’re not. They’re all about “critical theory.” Bear with me as I explain because the left’s embrace of the theory explains why the coming party conventions may become as violent as the Democratic Convention of 1968.

Depending on who you read, critical theory can be an upstart philosophy or ancient one. This post, “Just what is ‘Critical Race Theory’ Anyway?” provides an excellent introduction with good links for those who want to go deeper. Like most nonsense, the “theory” if filled with philosophical filigree to give it the appearance of substance. Boiled down, it’s just this: power is everything and all that matters. If they’re deconstructing an ice cream cone or politics, the only thing they care about is who holds the power. In every activity, in every way and every day, someone with power is oppressing someone with less power. Nice people don’t exist; only oppressors and the oppressed.
continued at Townhall Finance.

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